
Top PageSurvivor TestimoniesHAYASHI Yuriko

Survivor Testimonies

ID Code VS01035
Name HAYASHI Yuriko
Sex Female
Distance from the Hypocenter 1600m
Age at the Time 9
Age at the time of recording 78
Situation As she watched her mother put buttons on the clothes she made the night before, she saw a dazzling light and felt an impact that seemed to echo in her body, and suddenly was buried beneath furniture. As she escaped, she heard screams for help and saw many corpses. She says she doesn't want anybody to experience a terrible tragedy like this again.
Occupation at the Time 3rd year student in National Elementary School
Place of work at the time Danbara National Elementary School
SubtitlesHow to turn on English subtitles Japanese, English
Release Date 2015/03/31

ダイジェスト(字幕有)/Digest [Eng Sub]


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