
Top PageSurvivor TestimoniesMURAKAMI Takara

Survivor Testimonies

ID Code VS00838
Name MURAKAMI Takara
Sex Male
Distance from the Hypocenter 4100m
Age at the Time 19
Age at the time of recording 78
Situation I had been assigned to the Training Corps of the Marine Weather Corps. I was in the middle of a morality tale when exposed to the atomic bomb. Trapped under the collapse barracks, I lost consciousness briefly but was able to free myself afterwards. Looking towards the city, there were flames rising up and pitch-black clouds enveloped the sky above. In the afternoon, I formed a relief team and went to Ujina Station. I can never forget the scene of an incredible amount of dead bodies completely covering the station platforms. I continued to work in relief efforts until the 12th and sometime in October, I went to my home town on Innoshima Island.
Occupation at the Time Military Civilian Employee
Place of work at the time Army Weather Corps, Training Corps
SubtitlesHow to turn on English subtitles
Release Date 2004/03/31
Keyword soldier

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