
Top PageSurvivor TestimoniesYAMADA Motoshi

Survivor Testimonies

ID Code VS00782
Name YAMADA Motoshi
Sex Male
Distance from the Hypocenter 1000m
Age at the Time 17
Age at the time of recording 73
Situation I was working at building demolition at the old government offices when I was exposed to the atomic bomb. It happened so sudden and instantaneously that I really don't remember it, and I did not experience any light, sound or blast. Luckily, I did not suffer any major injuries because I was in the shadow of the buildings but I was surrounded by a living hell. At the beginning of September I had a high fever that lasted for 10 days.
Occupation at the Time Student
Place of work at the time
SubtitlesHow to turn on English subtitles
Release Date 2002/03/29
Keyword student

ダイジェスト(字幕無)/Digest [No Sub]


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