
Top PageSurvivor TestimoniesIKESHOJI (Kubo) Tomiko

Survivor Testimonies

ID Code VS00303
Name IKESHOJI (Kubo) Tomiko
Sex Female
Distance from the Hypocenter 1500m
Age at the Time 17
Age at the time of recording 64
Situation She was a 2nd year student at the Red Cross nursing school, and was working in the children’s ward. That day she was at the end of the night shift. She was inside Red Cross Hospital when the bomb was dropped. The first thing she realized she was being thrown round and round in the middle of a fire. When she regained consciousness she attended to the treatment and nursing of the injured, even while suffering a cracked rib.
Occupation at the Time Nurse
Place of work at the time
SubtitlesHow to turn on English subtitles Japanese, English
Release Date 1992/08/01
Keyword student;donor;nurse;artist /A-bomb drawings

ダイジェスト(字幕有)/Digest [Eng Sub]


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