
Top PageSurvivor TestimoniesMITSUFUJI Chiyoko

Survivor Testimonies

ID Code VS00051
Name MITSUFUJI Chiyoko
Sex Female
Distance from the Hypocenter 300m
Age at the Time 21
Age at the time of recording 63
Situation 21 years old at the time.Ms. Mitsufuji was inside Geibi Bank, currently the head branch of Hiroshima Bank, 0.3km from the hypocenter when the bomb was dropped. Trapped under concrete rubble, she lost consciousness but was miraculously saved, and evacuated to a potato field at West Parade Ground. She married in 1947 and had two children.
Occupation at the Time Company employee
Place of work at the time Geibi Bank
SubtitlesHow to turn on English subtitles Japanese, English
Release Date 1987/08/01

ダイジェスト(字幕有)/Digest [Eng Sub]


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