
Top PageA-bomb Drawings by SurvivorsDetails

A-bomb Drawings by Survivors

ID Code SG-0243
Creator Tadako Fujishige
Age at the Time 20
Donor Tadako Fujishige
Date of the Scene 1945/8/6
Distance from the Hypocenter (m)
Location Tokaichi, Nakahiro areas
Size (H×W) (cm) 23.6×33.1
Description This isn't a movie; it's real!

Temmagawa River levee
August 6, 1945
Tadako Fujishige (20 at time of bombing, 80 at time of drawing)

[Notes from the artist]
This isn't a movie; it's real!
Black shadows of people driven away by the fires rolled from the levee into the river. Houses collapsed with a thud.


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