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A-bomb Drawings by Survivors

ID Code NG470-02
Creator Ekiji Sasayama
Age at the Time 26
Date of the Scene 1945/8/7
Distance from the Hypocenter (m) 360m
Location Moto-machi, Hakushima areas
Size (H×W) (cm) 45×53.9
Description Carrying and cremating charred corpses
Drawing and text / Ekiji Sasayama
August 7, 1945
Approx. 400m from the hypocenter
"Some turned to charred corpses. Some suffering, groaning in pain, unable to stand. I can still hear the voices of soldiers who had been singing so lustily their military songs. The drill ground stank with all the burned or partially burned corpses lying under the blazing sun. Our task was to gather and cremate them. Day after day we made piles of bodies interspersed with layers of wood, then set them on fire."
Excerpt from his memoir "That Day in Hiroshima"


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