
Top PageA-bomb Drawings by SurvivorsDetails

A-bomb Drawings by Survivors

ID Code GE42-06
Creator NISHIDA Terumi
Age at the Time 33
Date of the Scene 1945/8/6
Distance from the Hypocenter (m) 800m
Location Tokaichi, Nakahiro areas
Size (H×W) (cm) 27×38
Description A line of students from Sotoku Junior High School
800m from the hypocenter, near Dohashi, Naka-ku
August 6, 1945
Terumi Nishida (33 at time of bombing, 62 at time of drawing)
Explanation in picture
They were 1st-or 2nd-year students from Sotoku Junior High School who had been mobilized to demolish buildings. Their heads half burned, they were limping along back to their school. Did they all survive? Some of their homes were burning and some did not know where their families were.


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