
Top PageA-bomb Drawings by SurvivorsDetails

A-bomb Drawings by Survivors

ID Code GE17-14
Creator NISHIDA Terumi
Age at the Time 33
Date of the Scene 1945/8/6
Distance from the Hypocenter (m) 1,600m
Location Tokaichi, Nakahiro areas
Size (H×W) (cm) 42×59.5
Description Severely burned mother and two little children
1,600m from the hypocenter, bank of Fukushimagawa River
(near Fukushima-cho Miyako-machi, Nishi-ku)
August 6, 1945, around 2:00 p.m.
Terumi Nishida (33 at time of bombing, 63 at time of drawing)
Explanation in picture
Her back was burned, but forgetting her own pain, a mother was trying to save her two little children. She came to a riverbank in the burnt plain seeking water. Unaware that giving burn victims water causes death,she had let her children the river water. Now she had to watch them die. Her motherly instincts were so confounded by the situation that she was gradually entering a state of shock.


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