
Top PageA-bomb Drawings by SurvivorsDetails

A-bomb Drawings by Survivors

ID Code GE12-27
Creator Ken Nakagawa
Age at the Time 32
Date of the Scene 1945/8/6
Distance from the Hypocenter (m) 1,050m
Location Tokaichi, Nakahiro areas
Size (H×W) (cm) 38×54
Description An Akatsuki Corps Ship Unit was dispatched up the Honkawa River to Sakai-machi, Eno-machi, and Moto-machi. People were buried under houses, pinned under posts, crying for help. I heard women, children, older people. The fire spread quickly. People died from fire, heat, drowning, and being crushed. Hiroshima's citizens transformed into 280,000 corpses. Hiroshima's citizens sacrificed for the nation. Oh, children who will never return! Wives, fathers, friends! Phantom voices crying out.


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