
Top PageA-bomb Drawings by SurvivorsDetails

A-bomb Drawings by Survivors

ID Code GE13-30
Creator Toshiko Kihara
Age at the Time 17
Date of the Scene 1945/8/7
Distance from the Hypocenter (m) 2,500m
Location Koi, Kusatsu areas
Size (H×W) (cm) 38×54
Description Gravely injured people were taken away on trucks.
2,500 m from the hypocenter, plaza in front of the Koi streetcar stop (Koi-hon-machi)
August 7, 1945, morning
Toshiko Kihara
Explanation in picture
A man was using a megaphone to find people from Otake who had come to Hiroshima to demolish buildings and were now so grievously transformed. As the injured climbed onto the truck, the rescue worker urgently called, "Anyone else from Otake?"
Pitiful was the sight of a woman trying to crawl up a plank onto the truck bed. The sobbing figures aboard did not look like human beings. Their swollen lips, splayed hair, clothing burnt to rags, and swollen bodies made it hard to believe that they were simply people who had happened to come into the city that day.


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