


識別コード NG368-23
絵の内容 市民が描いた原爆の絵NG368-23
作者名(カナ) 胤森貴士・トーマス(タネモリ タカシ トーマス)
作者名(英語) Takashi Thomas Tanemori
当時の年齢 7歳
種別 市民が描いた原爆の絵(平成14年収集)
作者による説明 **絵の中
Japan recognized the utility of some aspects of Western civilization, specially its technical achievements and education. For Japan’s future progress:“KNOWLEDGE SHALL BE SOUGHT FOR THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, SO THAT THE WELFARE OF THE EMPIRE―JAPANESE NATION MAY BE PROTECTED.”
While Japan forced to stand against encroachment of the United States and its militaly power, she realized her own cultural identity, her own“amiable qualities”had been tampered by a strong sense of vulnerability. As a nation, she was a weak nation politically intellectually, economically, and militarily.
After Hiroshima became the seat of the Japanese Imperial Army in 1873, and on September 15, 1894 the Imperial M.ilitary Headquarters was established at“Rijo”Castle, Japan took daring militaly moves.
Two unprecedented successful initiative wars―Sino-Japanese War in 1898 and Russo-Japanese War in 1905, as Japan at once experienced that the“power”of might breeds instant respect and the effects of victory, which shocked all European nations, brought fear and intimidation to other less developed nations, but, moved“all”out political/military actions by United States with rage!While Japan’s intoxication in military glories, she realized impoverished in natural resources as America was blessed with them, and adapted her own“Monroe Doctrine”, philosophy and model after the United States, she became determined to set her own course to defend her sovereign rights, as a nation. She prepared herself to stand aggressions of the United States by committing to a policy of“FUKOKU_KYOEI”,building a rich and a strong army.“Asia for Asians”―Great East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. Every political action by both nations became prelude―closer and closer to “inevitable”―“unwanted”,but “unavoidable”war―the WorldWar II.(George Friedman and Meredith Lebard, The Coming War with Japan. St. Martin’s Press, New York,1991; Fortune:1937 and Mary Beth Norton. A people and A Nation, Second Edition. Houghton Mifflin Co.Boston 1986)
SINO―JAPANESE WAR(1894) First Military Glory
RUSSO―JAPANESE WAR(1905) The Russians Surrender Port Arthur
Secrecy of WWII
6/28-46 --American Benefits
Date: July 1,2002
A Hiroshima Survivor
サイズ(cm) 60.7×45.8


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