ID Code | RA-175 |
Photographer | Shigeo Hayashi |
Provider | Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum |
Location | Yoshijima, Funairi, Kan-on areas |
Distance from the Hypocenter (m) | 3630 |
Description | Campbell-Stokes Sunshine Recorder recording paper Location: Eba-machi Distance from hypocenter: approx. 3,630m This recording paper for a Campbell-Stokes Sunshine Recorder was placed on the roof of the Hiroshima District Meteorological Observatory on August 6, 1945. The mushroom cloud rose at 8:15 a.m. A few minutes later, the sun that had shown its face for a short period that morning was shrouded by thick smoke due to fire. At 2:45 p.m., the black rain clouds dispersed, and sunlight returned about 10 minutes later. |