


識別コード Z1310.5D0130078
書名 Disarmament
出版者 United Nations
出版地 New York ; ニューヨーク
出版国 米国(US)
出版年 1990/05/01
言語区分 英語 eng
頁数 197
大きさ (cm) 28
目次 Foreword iii
Chapter 1 Overview of confidence-building measures in Asia
Summary of a debate 3
Yasushi Akashi
South Asian perspectives on the security-enhancing role of CBMs 8
Kasit Piromya
North-east Asian perspectives on the security-enhancing role of CBMs 12
Mark Valencia
Chapter 2 Confidence-building measures: The experience of Europe and elsewhere
The achievements and drawbacks of the Helsinki/Stockholm CSBM process 19
Peter Hohenfellner
The security-enhancing role of confidence- and security-building measures 43
Anton Rossbach
The non-European experience of CSBMs: Models for the Asia-Pacific region 56
Trevor Findlay
Chapter 3 Current thinking on CBMs and prospects of arms limitation in the Asia-Pacific region
Confidence-and security-building measures: A sceptical look 77
James Macintosh
CSBMs and military security 105
Andrew Mack
Prospects of arms limitation in the Asia-Pacific region 118
Jayantha Dhanapala
Chapter 4 CBMs for the North-east and South Asian subregions
The security-enhancing role of confidence- and security-building measures 137
Henry Trofimenko
Confidence- and security-building measures in North-east Asia 154
Muthiah Alagappa
Confidence-building measures for South Asia: An extraregional perspective 170
William L. Richter
Annex I Excerpts of statements
Introductory statement of His Excellency,
the Foreign Minister of Nepal,
Shailendra Kumar Upadhyay 183
Opening statement of the Under-Secretary-General,
United Nations Department for Disarmament Affairs,
Yasushi Akashi 186
Annex II List of participants
at the regional meeting on confidence-building measures in the Asia-Pacific region,
Kathmandu, Nepal, 29 to 31 January 1990 191
各号備考 Confidence and Security-building Measures in Asia


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