Top PageA-bomb ArtifactsDisaster victim's certificate
ID Code | 9301-0171 |
Artifact Name | Disaster victim's certificate |
Donor | YOKOTA Hirosuke |
Receiving Date | 2016/7/29 |
Size (W×H×D) (mm) | 127×123 |
Distance from the Hypocenter(m) | |
Number | 1 |
Location | Yoshijima, Funairi, Kan-on areas |
Description | Donor: Hirosuke Yokota Mr. Yokichi Yokota (41 years old at the time), the donor's father, was atomic bombed at his workplace, which was approximately 4,500 m from the hypocenter. His wife Shikiyo and their children were exposed at the company housing (approximately 3,500 m from the hypocenter). The glass from the windows were completely shattered, and everyone was blown away a few meters by the blast, pounded onto the tatami. Shards of glass were stuck into the head, both hands and both knees of Hirosuke (4 years old at the time), his son. |