
Top PageA-bomb ArtifactsDiary

A-bomb Artifacts

ID Code 9201-0156
Artifact Name Diary
Donor FUJIMOTO Tadao
Receiving Date 2014/09/13
Size (W×H×D) (mm) 127×176
Distance from the Hypocenter(m) 2200
Number 1
Location Yoshijima, Funairi, Kan-on areas
Description Diarys
Donated by Tadao Fujimoto
2,200 m from the hypocenter Yoshijima-hon-machi
Tadao Fujimoto (then, 16), a factory worker at Chugoku Toryo (marine paint manufacturer), was working in the daytime and studying an electrical course at Hiroshima Municipal Second Technical School after work.
 On the morning of August 6, he was looking out of the window of the factory when he saw the flash of light of the atomic bomb. He quickly hid under the concrete laboratory table, but he received head injuries.
 These diaries were kept by Tadao during wartime until after the war. He found them in the burnt-out ruins of his dormitory. He wrote the following on the pages for 1945: propaganda leaflets were scattered from a plane; he dug an air-raid shelter for a week, air-raid alerts and air-raid warnings were frequently issued, etc.


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