
Top PageA-bomb ArtifactsMelted head of Buddhist statue

A-bomb Artifacts

ID Code 4101-0022
Artifact Name Melted head of Buddhist statue
Donor Mikio Karatsu
Receiving Date 1988/07/16
Size (W×H×D) (mm) 290×220×130
Distance from the Hypocenter(m) 1700
Number 1
Location Kokutaiji, Senda areas
Description Yoshio Karatsu, the donor's father, found this Buddhist statue when he went to clear the rubble of his burned house around October that year, and brought it back with him. In Yoshio's family, his second son, who was engaged in building demolition work, and his fourth son, who was on his way to school, both died in the A-bombing. Yoshio cherished this Buddhist statue as if it were a memento of his deceased sons.


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