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A-bomb Artifacts

ID Code 3506-0035
Artifact Name Name Tag
Donor Segawa Masumi
Receiving Date 2001/09/27
Size (W×H×D) (mm) 35×70×7
Distance from the Hypocenter(m) 900
Number 1
Location Tokaichi, Nakahiro areas
Description Seiji Segawa(13),a student at Municipal Junior-High School,was exposed at the site where he was warking on building demolition as a mobilized student.His mother,Ayame,his older sister Mieko,and his younger brother Masumi walked around the city searching for Seiji.On August 8,they learned that Seiji had been taken in at Takasu National School in the suburbs and rushed to his side.In a room crammed with severely injured victims,they recognized Seiji's shoes.Seiji's face was too burned to identify.They found him when Ayame called his neme and Seiji responded by opening his eyes.They brought him home and did all they could to save him,but he slipped away on August 11.


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