
Top PageA-bomb ArtifactsWristwatch

A-bomb Artifacts

ID Code 3501-0046
Artifact Name Wristwatch
Donor Isamu Harada
Receiving Date 2006/11/14
Size (W×H×D) (mm) 23×26×5
Distance from the Hypocenter(m) 1800
Number 1
Location Moto-machi, Hakushima areas
Description Isamu Harada (then, 14) was a second-year student at Koryo Junior High School. He was exposed to the bomb at his demolition worksite and was blown several meters by the blast. His parents and five siblings were exposed at home. Their house collapsed immediately. Their father Shin helped other family members out of the house one after the next, and all escaped as the house started to burn. Isamu left this wristwatch at home and found it a few days later in the burnt ruins of the house.


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