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A-bomb Artifacts

ID Code 3501-0042
Artifact Name Wristwatch
Donor Atsufumi Nagawa
Receiving Date 2005/11/08
Size (W×H×D) (mm)
Distance from the Hypocenter(m) 1200
Number 1
Location Kanayama, Nobori areas
Description Atsufumi Nagawa's older sister Toshiko was exposed alone at home in Nobori-cho. Her younger sister Setsuko was exposed but at Noboricho Church, where she had gone to make a phone call. Their father, Yoshito, was exposed on the way to work at Hiroshima Station. Both were unharmed, returned to the house, and tried to rescue Toshiko. Flames encroached on the collapsed house and prevented them from approaching. When Yoshito came back to the ruins at the end of the day, he found Toshiko's skelton. This watch found under her arm was stopped at 1:00.

(from the donor's comments)
"That meant it must have been around 1:00 when the fires got to her body. I was profoundly shaken." My father Yoshito, who wrote these words in his account, died of A-bomb related ailments in 1954.I inherited this watch, but since my children have little relationship with this story, I want the museum to preserve it.


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