
Top PageA-bomb ArtifactsTrunk

A-bomb Artifacts

ID Code 3402-0006
Artifact Name Trunk
Donor Toyoichi Myogoji
Receiving Date 1974/09/21
Size (W×H×D) (mm) 570×300×150
Distance from the Hypocenter(m) 1100
Number 1
Location Tokaichi, Nakahiro areas
Description Toyoichi Myogoji was exposed at home and trapped under the house when it was crushed by the blast. His back was severely injured, but by exerting all his strength he was able to crawl out just before his house burst into flame. For some reason, he fled taking nothing but this empty trunk. As he rested on a bridge, huge drops of rain suddenly began to pour down; both Toyoichi and the trunk were soaked. He learned only later that this black rain was contaminated by radiation. He heard many loud explosions and saw streetcars on fire. A school was burning across the river.
A month after the bombing, his health deteriorated badly. He began bleeding from his gums, his teeth fell out, but he survived.


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