
Top PageA-bomb ArtifactsChild’s Dress

A-bomb Artifacts

ID Code 3103-0012
Artifact Name Child’s Dress
Donor Katsuko Kanehashi
Receiving Date 2004/07/28
Size (W×H×D) (mm) 450×340
Distance from the Hypocenter(m) 1000
Number 1
Location Tokaichi, Nakahiro areas
Description Dress
Katsuko Kanehashi (then, 1) was exposed to the bomb with her mother and grandmother at home in Tera-machi, approximately 1,000 meters from the hypocenter. Although they were trapped under their collapsed house, they managed to crawl out and evacuated to a space under Yokogawa Bridge. Her mother carefully kept this dress, which Katsuko was wearing on the day of the bombing.


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