
Top PageA-bomb ArtifactsLid to a rice storage can made of corrugated tin found in the ruins

A-bomb Artifacts

ID Code 2304-0008
Artifact Name Lid to a rice storage can made of corrugated tin found in the ruins
Donor Masayoshi Kubota
Receiving Date 2005/07/13
Size (W×H×D) (mm)
Distance from the Hypocenter(m) 500
Number 1
Location Peace Memorial Park vicinity
Description The joint family home and shop operated by Konami Abe, the donor's aunt, burned completely in the atomic bombing. Fortunately, her whole family had evacuated earlier and were safe. Five days after the bombing, Konami's older brother Morio Kubota brought his son Masayoshi (then, 13) to the ruins to clean up. They took home the family's business sign, which was made of corrugated tin. Because materials were scarce, they fashioned it into a rice can. After the war, they kept rice in the can.


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