
Top PageA-bomb ArtifactsDeformed glass bottle

A-bomb Artifacts

ID Code 2201-0047
Artifact Name Deformed glass bottle
Donor Ensuke Kushima
Receiving Date 1973/09/10
Size (W×H×D) (mm) 100×40×65
Distance from the Hypocenter(m) 370
Number 1
Location Peace Memorial Park vicinity
Description Glass bottle
Donation / Ensuke Kushima
Approx. 370m from the hypocenter Nakajima-hon-machi (now Nakajima-cho)
Ensuke Kujima had been away on business, so he was unharmed. His wife Tome (then 43) and their second daugher Hiroe (then 20) were exposed to the bomb in their home in Zaimoku-cho (now Nakajima-cho). Their remains were never found. Their third son Masafumi (then 13) was a moblized student. He was exposed to the bomb while demolishing buildings in Shinsenba-cho (now Ko-machi). Though burned over his entire body, he managed to flee to his uncle’s home in Furuta-machi, then died on August 24.


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