


識別コード 9399-0124
資料名 陸軍将校勤務適任証書
資料名(英語) Certificate of suitability as army officer
寄贈者(カナ) 長尾 文平(ナガオ ブンペイ)
寄贈者(英語) Bunpei NAGAO
受入年月日 2010/05/24
寸法(幅×高さ×奥行)(mm) 316×244
被爆地(旧町名) 白島北町
被爆地(現町名) 白島北町
爆心地からの距離(m) 2400
数量 1
内容 工兵隊に所属していた寄贈者の長尾文平さん(当時23歳)は、兵舎二階の下士官室で机に向かっているときに被爆。何万個ものフラッシュを一度にたいたような閃光が走り、「ズン」と腹に響く大きな音がした。とっさに鉄製の寝台の下にすべりこみ、助かった。同じ部屋の窓際にいた同僚は、閃光をまともに浴び、顔にやけどを負った。長尾さんは、落下した板や屋根瓦をかき分けて脱出。背中に傷を負い、血が足まで流れ落ちていた。工兵隊の作業場からいつも見えていた広島城は、跡形もなくなり、黒煙が市街全域から立ち上っていた。しばらくすると、作業場には、大やけどを負った人々が続々と逃げてきて、その悲惨な姿は地獄絵のようだった。油を塗るなどの手当てをしたが、次々と亡くなっていった。
ブロック別 基町・白島地区
展示説明文 「陸軍将校勤務適任証書」
寄贈/長尾 文平氏(ながお ぶんぺい)
爆心地から2,400m 白島北町(はくしまきたまち)
展示説明文(英語) Certificate of suitability as army officer
Donated by Bunpei Nagao
2,400m from the hypocenter Hakushima-kita-machi
The donor Bunpei Nagao (then, 23) was stationed at the Army Engineer Base. He was sitting at his desk on the second floor of the barracks at Hakushima-kita-machi at the time of the atomic bombing. The building collapsed, and Bunpei had to push away the boards and roof tiles that had fallen onto him to make his escape. He received an injury on his back and blood ran down his legs. Hiroshima Castle, which he was always able to see from the workshop of the Army Engineer Base, was completely razed and black smoke was rising up all over the city. After a while, many people with severe burns fled one after another into his workshop. The horrific situation was almost like looking at a scene from hell. Burns were treated by applying oil and other methods, but people died one after another. This certificate is proof of his qualification as a future commissioned officer, and was stored in a small box in the barracks. Bunpei dug it out a few days after and has kept it with him since.
資料性質 被爆資料


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