


識別コード 9304-0020
資料名 現認証明書
資料名(英語) Eyewitness certificate
寄贈者(カナ) 大坂 剛三(オオサカ ゴウゾウ)
寄贈者(英語) OSAKA Gozo
受入年月日 2016/9/17
寸法(幅×高さ×奥行)(mm) 180×260
数量 1
内容 大坂剛三さん(当時19歳)は、1945年(昭和20年)4月に広島の暁部隊に入隊し、6か月の教育期間中だった。爆心地から約1.8キロメートルの兵舎で被爆し、爆風で倒壊した兵舎の下敷きになった。どうにか這い出し、一寸先も見えないような状況下を比治山へ避難。数時間が過ぎたころ、自分の両足がやけどで皮膚が焼け落ちていることに気が付いた。比治山にはひどいけがを負った人たちが次々に逃れてきて、「水をくれー、水をくれー」と言いながらたくさんの人が亡くなっていった。
展示説明文 現認証明書
寄贈/大坂剛三(オオサカ ゴウゾウ)氏
新潟から召集された大坂剛三(オオサカ ゴウゾウ)さん(当時19歳)は、爆心地から約1.8キロメートルの兵舎で被爆。爆風で倒壊した兵舎の下敷きになりました。両足の皮ふがやけどではがれながらも比治山に避難。9月8日に召集解除となり、故郷へ戻ることが出来ました。
展示説明文(英語) Eyewitness Certificate
Donor: Gozo Osaka
Mr. Gozo Osaka (19 years old at the time), who was mobilized from Niigata Prefecture, was atomic bombed in the barracks approximately 1.8 m from the hypocenter. The barracks collapsed with the blast and fell on top of him. The skin on both of his legs was burned off, but he managed to evacuate to Hiji-yama Mountain. He was demobilized on September 8th, and then returned home.
<Excerpt from the donor’s testimony>
I was inside the collapsed barracks, and I struggled to crawl outside. People were screaming, “Evacuate to Hijiyama Hill, evacuate to Hijiyama Hill,” so I crawled on the ground and escaped to Hijiyama Hill. All sorts of people, children, adults, the elderly, men and women were pouring towards me in lines asking for help. A man was hanging his burned skin around in a messy clump around the belt on his pants. I couldn't distinguish people between men and women by their burned faces. The injuries looked more painful when exposed to sunlight. Hijiyama Hill, which is now a park, had become a mountain of dead people. They died saying, “Water please, water!” I can still hear them now. It was a living hell, and I still cannot erase it from my memory. On the morning of the 7th, I was taken to a first-aid station. Some were lying on their bellies, some were on their backs, and maggots were crawling in and out of their wounds, eyes and noses. But they were still alive. They mumbled in faint voices, as faint as insects, “Give me water, oooh, give me water,” as they died. In the back field, the fire was constantly burning red to cremate the dead bodies.
資料性質 被爆関連資料


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