


識別コード 9302-0034
資料名 死亡診断書
資料名(英語) Death Certificate
寄贈者(カナ) 石岡 ユリ子(イシオカ ユリコ)
寄贈者(英語) Yuriko Ishioka
受入年月日 2004/07/09
寸法(幅×高さ×奥行)(mm) 175×260
数量 1
内容 爆心地から1350メートルの西白島町で被爆した小谷公子(こだにきみこ)ちゃん(当時10か月)の死亡診断書。上半身に大やけどを負った公子ちゃんは、ともに被爆した母綾子さん(当時35歳)と姉のユリ子さん(当時10歳)の手で、重傷を負いながらもつぶれた家から脱出した。一緒にいた祖父はつぶれた家の下敷きとなって焼死した。郊外まで必死で逃げ、収容所に入ったものの、16日に公子ちゃんは亡くなった。死亡診断書の日付は、届出時のものと思われる。
展示説明文(英語) Certificate of Kimiko’s Death
Donated by Yuriko Ishioka
Exposed to the bomb at Nishi-hakushima-cho, 1,350m from the hypocenter
This document certifies the death of Kimiko Kodani (then, 10 months). Kimiko was at her grandfather Saichi Tanaka's house with her mother, Ayako, and older sister, Yuriko, when the atomic bomb exploded. When the bomb hit, the house collapsed in an instant, and Saichi was killed on the spot. Yuriko was injured and covered with blood, while Kimiko was severely burned on her upper body. Ayako, although seriously injured herself, ran frantically, carrying Kimiko in one arm and holding hands with Yuriko. They somehow reached a first-aid station in Suzuhari Village in the suburbs of Hiroshima. However, Kimiko died on August 16, crying "umma umma…" for milk.

My ten-month-old baby sister died, leaving nothing, not even a photo.
Yuriko Ishioka (then,10), Kimiko's older sister, relates:
"We were just preparing breakfast, starting a fire on the charcoal stove. My grandfather was killed instantly by the blast, which came from behind. Kimiko was severely burned, especially on her upper body. Our mother took us, and we fled. But we had nothing. No clothes, no food. Later, we were put on a truck and taken to a first-aid station in the suburbs. It was there that my baby sister died on August 16 among many people agonizing in that hell on earth. She had only lived for ten months. We have no photo of her, as if there is no proof that she actually existed in this world. This makes me feel so, so sad."
資料性質 被爆関連資料


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