


識別コード 9301-0162
資料名 空襲罹災証明書
資料名(英語) Air Raid Damage Certificate
寄贈者(カナ) 田中 康子(タナカ ヤスコ)
寄贈者(英語) TANAKA Yasuko
受入年月日 2015/06/18
寸法(幅×高さ×奥行)(mm) 65×94
数量 1
内容 猿楽町の田中鉄工所の次男だった田中常市さん(当時46歳)は、雑魚場町の建物疎開作業中に被爆した。6日の夜遅くに、可部に疎開していた妻や子どもたちのもとへ戻った常市さんは、ズボンははいていたが、着ていた白シャツはなくなり、上半身は裸で、皮膚は垂れており、大やけどだった。しかし薬もなく、常市さんの子どもたちが並んで手に入れた天花粉をやけど部分につけるぐらいしか、手当てができなかった。常市さんはずっと寝たきりで、8月11日に亡くなった。遺体は可部の河原で、家族によって荼毘に付された。これは常市さんの空襲罹災証明書。
展示説明文 空襲罹災証明書

展示説明文(英語) Air Raid Damage Certificate
Donated by Yasuko Tanaka
Mr. Tsuneichi Tanaka (then, 45) was exposed to the A-bombing when he was engaged in the building demolition work in Zakoba-machi. He suffered severe burns. Late that night, he reached Kabe, where his wife and children had been evacuated. However, there was no medicine available. The only treatment he could receive was the application of nursery powder to his burns, which his children had obtained after waiting in line. Tsuneichi died on August 11th and his body was cremated on a river bank by his family.

Remarks by Ms. Yasuko Tanaka, Daughter of Mr. Tsuneichi Tanaka
As the war intensified, I was evacuated along with my mother and brothers to Kabe, where my mother’s parents lived. I was three years old at the time. My father, who worked at my grandfather’s factory, remained at our home in Sarugaku-cho. On the day of the disaster, my father was engaged in the building demolition work. Late that night, he reached Kabe with severe burns on his body. Although he had worn a white shirt, he arrived topless, with burns so severe that his skin was hanging. However, there was no medicine available, and all we could do for him was apply nursery powder to his burns. He spent his last days bed-ridden until he died on August 11th.
After the war, my mother did not tell us the details about what happened in those days, and neither did my brothers nor sisters.
資料性質 被爆関連資料


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