


識別コード 9301-0136
資料名 全焼証明書
資料名(英語) Disaster Certificate
寄贈者(カナ) 増田 曉美(マスダ アケミ)
寄贈者(英語) Akemi MASUDA
受入年月日 2010/06/11
寸法(幅×高さ×奥行)(mm) 130×145
数量 1
内容 1945(昭和20)年11月5日付の部屋サカヱさんあての全焼証明書。
展示説明文 家族の罹災証明書
寄贈/増田 曉美氏(ますだ あけみ)
寄贈者の曉美さん、母・部屋サカヱ(へや さかえ)さん、妹・美智子(みちこ)さんの罹災証明書と自宅の全焼証明書です。サカヱさん(当時33歳)、曉美さん(当時5歳)、美智子さん(当時1歳8カ月)は、三篠本町(みささほんまち)にあった自宅(爆心地から約2,100m)で被爆しました。自宅建物は全壊しましたが、サカヱさんがとっさに美智子さんを抱き抱え、曉美さんは運よく崩れた梁と水屋のすきまにいたため、三人とも大きな外傷を負いませんでした。崩れた家から外に出ると、ほこりが舞い上がったような薄暗い中、見渡す限りの建物が倒れていました。曉美さんは被爆後、歯ぐきからの出血・下痢などの症状に苦しめられ、1947年(昭和22年)の冬には、突然高熱を出し、医者からはもう助からないとも言われました。しかし、サカヱさんが懸命に看病し、3カ月間闘病したのち、命をとりとめました。
展示説明文(英語) Disaster certificates
Donated by Akemi Masuda
These are the disaster certificates of the donor Akemi, her mother Sakae Heya, and her younger sister Michiko and the certificate of total destruction of their house. Sakae (then, 33), Akemi (then, 5) and Michiko (then, 1 year and 8 months) were in their home at Misasa-hon-machi (approximately 2,100m from the hypocenter) when the bomb hit. Their home was completely destroyed, but the three of them did not suffer any major external injuries as Sakae quickly picked up and carried Michiko, and Akemi was luckily in a gap between a collapsed beam and the kitchen. When they went outside of the collapsed house, the area was dim as if in a cloud of dust, and all buildings as far as one could see had collapsed. After the bombing, Akemi suffered from symptoms including bleeding gums and diarrhea. In the winter of 1947, she suddenly developed a high fever, and was told by the doctor that she would die. However, Sakae nursed her devotedly, and after three months of battling illness, her life was saved.

Comment from Akemi Masuda:
I had shut away my memory of the atomic bombing for so long, but recently various memories of the awful sight of the people that we fled together with, and cries of help, have suddenly come back to me. So I have donated the disaster certificates that my mother kept, with the hope that they will be preserved from now on. I believe that these disaster certificates are filled with the thoughts of my mother, who suffered after the bombing.
資料性質 被爆関連資料


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