


識別コード 9299-0071
資料名 原爆孤児の記録
資料名(英語) Records regarding A-bomb orphans
寄贈者(カナ) 住田 和子(スミダ カズコ)
寄贈者(英語) Sumida Kazuko
受入年月日 2001/11/16
寸法(幅×高さ×奥行)(mm) 335×390×10
寸法(その他) ②145×210×3③335×390④145×210×3
数量 4
内容 ①斗舛正(とますただし)著「孤児とともに」生原稿②「孤児とともに」序文原稿(鎌塚扶筆)③冊子斗桝良江著「私の原爆記」④冊子住田邦夫著「比島に散華」 1945(昭和20)年8月8日に設置された比治山国民学校の迷子収容所は、原爆の投下により家や肉親を失った子どもたちを収容した。同収容所は、同年12月23日に五日市に開設された広島戦災児育成所に移り、幟町国民学校から出向した斗舛正・良江夫婦らが泊まり込みで孤児たちの教育に献身した。
展示説明文 原爆孤児の記録

展示説明文(英語) Records regarding A-bomb orphans
The manuscript of "Koji to Tomoni (Together with Orphans)"
by Tadashi Tomasu
"Watashi no Genbakuki (My Memoir of the Atomic Bombing)"
by Yoshie Tomasu

The Lost Children's Center in Hijiyama National Elementary School, which opened on August 8, 1945, accommodated children who had lost their homes and blood relatives in the A-bombing. Some of these children were transferred to the Hiroshima War Orphans Foster Home, which was opened on December 23 in Itsukaichi in the same year. Tadashi Tomasu, who had been seconded from Noboricho National Elementary School, his wife Yoshie Tomasu, who had transferred from the Lost Children's Center in Hijiyama National Elementary School, and other staff stayed at this facility and dedicated themselves to educating the children.
In "Koji to Tomoni (Together with Orphans),"Tomasu Tadashi wrote his thoughts about educating these children. "Watashi no Genbakuki (My Memoir of the Atomic Bombing)" carries Yoshie Tomasu's many entries of affectionate retrospect.
From "Watashi no Genbakuki," we introduce three sections― "A baby boy with a hole in his cheek," Miserable death for children," "Opening of War Orphans Foster Home"- which describe Yoshie Tomasu's experiences when she worked at the Lost Children's Center until the opening of the Hiroshima War Orphans Foster Home.
資料性質 戦後資料


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