


識別コード 9201-0172
資料名 伯父の歌日記
資料名(英語) Choichi Kawamura’s diary “Kuju: A Song of Remembrance"
寄贈者(カナ) 萩原 俊雄(ハギハラ トシオ)
寄贈者(英語) HAGIHARA Toshio
受入年月日 2020/1/6
寸法(幅×高さ×奥行)(mm) 210×148×5
数量 1
内容 寄贈者の萩原俊雄(はぎはら としお)さん(当時6歳)の伯父、河村長一(かわむら ちょういち)さん(当時37歳)は、吉島羽衣町にあった軍関係の工場、小原食品工場で働いていた。原爆炸裂時は同工場で被爆したが軽傷であり、工場の職員の救助にあたった。しかし、猛火のため途中で断念し、無事な職場の同僚と避難した。8日、妹を探して市内を訪ね歩いたが見つからなかった。10日には、被爆して重傷の母親を連れて安佐郡亀山村の親戚宅に向かい、そこで母の看病をして過ごしたが、その甲斐なく9月19日、母親は57歳で死亡した。
展示説明文 溶けた碁石
この碁石は、被爆前、長一さんと寄贈者の父(当時34歳。被爆死)が、囲碁で使っていたものです。長一さんは、戦後がんを患い、自ら命を絶ちました。亡くなる前、この碁石と「思い出の歌 苦汁」と題したノートを寄贈者に託しました。長一さんは、このノートに様々な思いを書き綴っていました。

治療せど日毎に悪化を辿る母 火傷は膿もち悪臭を放ちぬ
苦のあまり己が命を断ちくれと 母はもらせり口ぐせのごと
わが母は五十餘才を淋しくも 長井の里の納屋に終れり
妹よ汝も職場で同僚と 共に逝きしか黒焦の死体はあまた
美しき妹の晴着は手に取りて 乙女の妹をしのび泣くわれ(冨江)
展示説明文(英語) Melted Go stones
Donated by Toshio Hagihara
The donor's uncle, Choichi Kawamura (then 37), found these items in the burnt ruins of his parents' house, and preserved them carefully.
Choichi was exposed to the atomic bomb at work on August 6. He suffered only slight injuries, so on the 8th he walked around the city in search of his younger sister Tomie. However, he was unable to find her. On the 10th, he evacuated to a relative's house in the suburbs with his mother, Iso (then 56), who was seriously injured. Although he did his best to care for her, Iso died on September 19.
Choichi would have used these stones when playing Go games with the donor's father (then 34, and died in the atomic bombing). Developing cancer after the war, Choichi took his own life. Before dying, he gave these stones and a notebook with the words to “Kuju: A Song of Remembrance" to the donor. Choichi left many of his thoughts and feelings in this notebook.

<Excerpt from Choichi Kawamura’s diary “Kuju: A Song of Remembrance">
Even with treatment, Mother's condition worsened day after day. Her burns becoming full of pus and reeking with foul odor.
Mother screamed in agony, begging to just let her die, and kept harping.
Her lonely life ended when she was not much older than 50. Her final days were in a barn at the Nagai family home.
Dear my little sister, did you die too with a colleague at work among so many charred corpses?
I hold my beautiful sister's best clothes, and weep for her (Tomie).
I pray for my sister and my mother, as I stare sadly at the autumn rain.


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