


識別コード 9201-0094
資料名 修養日誌
資料名(英語) Diary for mental rehabilitation
寄贈者(カナ) 石角 敏明(イシズミ トシアキ)
寄贈者(英語) Toshiaki ISHIZUMI
受入年月日 2010/12/06
寸法(幅×高さ×奥行)(mm) 147×210×6
数量 1
内容 寄贈者の父・石角博さん(当時22歳)の1945(昭和20)年2月24日から被爆翌日の8月7日までの日記。陸軍船舶司令部船砲兵団に所属していた博さんは草津で演習中に被爆。その後、草津の国民学校で被爆者の救援活動に従事し、多くの遺体を荼毘に付した。戦後、博さんは原爆について家族にも多くを語ることはなかった。
展示説明文 修養日誌
寄贈/石角 敏明氏 (いしずみ としあき)
寄贈者の父・石角博(いしずみ ひろし)さん(当時22歳)が記した1945年(昭和20年)2月24日から被爆翌日の8月7日までの日記です。陸軍船舶司令部に所属していた博さんは、広島市郊外で演習中に被爆しました。その後、草津の国民学校で被爆者の救援活動に従事し、多くの遺体を火葬しました。8月8日以降、日記は途絶えています。

八月六日 月曜日 晴天
八時頃であった 突如異様な光と共に大音響を発したと思った瞬間 広島市は火焔に包まれていた。敵の新戦法新兵器に依る攻撃だ 草津町に於て避難民救護に従事せるも悲惨なる避難民の姿を見て敵愾心弥が上にも上れり これが戦争の実相だ この仇は吾々の手で必ず撃ちとらねばならない 而し只憤慨しても駄目だ 大いに励むことだ
八月七日 火曜日 晴天
昨夜も避難民の救護 今日も又同じ作業に従事せり 吾々軍人が倒れるは本懐なるも戦争に直接関係のない一般国民に対し斯る爆撃を加えたる敵を一日も早く地球上より抹殺せねばならない
斯る事は本土決戦に於いては必ず起こり得る事だ 指揮官となりたる者は斯る場合目先の事ばかりに気をとられず大高を見ることが必要なり

展示説明文(英語) Diary for mental rehabilitation
Donated by Toshiaki Ishizumi
This is the diary kept by the donor's father Hiroshi Ishizumi (then, 22) from February 24, 1945 until the day after the atomic bombing, August 7, 1945. Hiroshi was stationed at Army Marine Headquarters, and was participating in drills on the outskirts of Hiroshima City when the atomic bomb was dropped. After the bombing he was involved in relief activities for the survivors at the elementary school in Kusatsu, and cremated many bodies. His diary stopped from August 8.

Monday, August 6. Weather: fine
It was around 8am. Just when I thought that there had been a sudden strange light and a huge boom, Hiroshima City was engulfed in flames. It was an enemy attack using new tactics and a new weapon. In Kusatsu-cho, I was engaged in rescuing refugees, but looking at these refugees, I became infuriated at the enemy. This is the reality of war. We must get revenge for this ourselves. However there is no point getting angry. We have to work our hardest.
Tuesday, August 7. Weather: fine
Involved in relief activities for evacuees again last night. Doing the same work again today. For soldiers like ourselves, death is what we expect. However, the enemy who bombed the ordinary citizens who are not directly involved in the war must be eliminated from the face of the earth as soon as possible.
This is something that could definitely happen in decisive battle on the mainland. Those in command need to look at the big picture, and not get overly concerned with the details of the situation around them.

Letter from son Toshiaki Ishizumi (summary):
My father virtually never spoke to the family about his A-bomb experience. He was very particular about his diary, which he wrote every single day up until the time that he started losing consciousness in hospital, and the fact that he wrote absolutely nothing from August 8, 1945, indicates to me that the experience was terrible for him. He restarted his diary on January 1, 1946. In the diary entry for August 6, 1946, all that he writes is: “When I think about what happened one year ago, I am horrified.” He told me “I cremated many dead bodies of the victims. During the relief activities for the survivors, we used drink flasks and sake cups, and gave them water following the doctor's instructions. People who we did not give water to grasped at our ankles, saying ‘Soldier, please give me some water too,’ and turning them down was extremely difficult.”
資料性質 戦中資料


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