


識別コード 8201-0090
資料名 仏壇で蒸し焼きになった債券類
資料名(英語) Burnt bond certificates left on the altar
寄贈者(カナ) 有田 良直(アリタ ヨシナオ)
寄贈者(英語) Yoshinao ARITA
受入年月日 2012/06/27
寸法(幅×高さ×奥行)(mm) 270×260
被爆地(旧町名) 段原末広町
被爆地(現町名) 段原
爆心地からの距離(m) 2200
数量 16
内容 「割増金附勧業債券 金十円」第26回、第31回、第32回、第37回、第67回、第73回、各一枚。第72回6枚、第75回2枚、第76回2枚の計16枚。
ブロック別 比治山・仁保地区
展示説明文 仏壇で蒸し焼きになった債券類
爆心地から約2,200m 段原末広町
展示説明文(英語) Burnt bond certificates left on the altar
Donated by Yoshinao Arita
Approx. 2,200m from the hypocenter Dambara-suehiro-cho
Kiyoto Arita (then, 51), the donor's father, broke his leg when a beam from his crumbling house fell on him. Unable to pull himself free, he was rescued by neighbors. Yone (then, 43), the donor's mother, was out in the neighborhood when she experienced the bombing and received burns on her chest and arms. As a result of the bombing, their house had been completely leveled and half burned. Life after the war was very different for Kiyoto and his family. Unable to find work, he struggled to survive. Just after the bombing, Kiyoto, with his leg still broken, loaded what was left of his family's assets and bonds into a large cart. Although the bonds were nothing more than scraps now, the struggling Kiyoto was unable to discard the bonds he had bought with the money he had worked so hard for and saved.
資料性質 被爆資料


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