


識別コード 4101-0038
資料名 仏像
資料名(英語) Buddhist statue
寄贈者(カナ) 山田 幹雄(ヤマダ ミキオ)
寄贈者(英語) Mikio YAMADA
受入年月日 2012/09/17
寸法(幅×高さ×奥行)(mm) 150×270×120
被爆地(旧町名) 立町
被爆地(現町名) 立町
爆心地からの距離(m) 450m
数量 1
内容 寄贈者の父・山田明さん(当時32歳)は、爆心地から約3Km離れた尾長町の自宅で被爆した。屋根は吹き飛んだがケガはなく、翌日から家族を捜すため、市中心部へ入った。この仏像は、立町で靴屋を営んでいた兄夫婦の自宅焼け跡で見つけたもの。焼け跡近くの防空壕の前に、2体の遺骨があり、明さんは、兄とその妻だと思ったという。6人兄姉のうち末っ子だった明さんだけが生き残り、兄姉の親族を含め10人以上が亡くなった。たくさんの家族を一度に亡くした明さんは、生前、原爆のことはほとんど語らず、ただこの仏像を一番見えるところに置き、亡くなるまでとても大事にしていた。
ブロック別 紙屋町・本通地区
展示説明文 大切にしていた仏像

展示説明文(英語) Buddhist statue
Donated by Mikio Yamada
Akira Yamada (then, 31), the donor's father, was exposed to the bomb from his home in Onaga-machi about 3km from the hypocenter. Although the roof of the house was blown off, he wasn't seriously injured and he went in to the center of the city the next day to search for family members. Akira found this Buddhist statue in the burnt out ruins of the shoe store run by his older brother and his wife in Tate-machi. In front of the bomb shelter, he found the remains of 2 people and thought they were his brother and brother's wife. Akira was the youngest of 6 children, and only he survived the atomic bombing. Altogether, he lost 10 family members.

Mikio Yamada recalls:
My father, who lost many relatives all at once, hardly ever talked about the atomic bombing in his lifetime. He placed this Buddhist statue where he could easily see it and took good care of it. He told me to donate it to the Peace Memorial Museum after his death, but it was so important to him that it was hard for me to part with it after he died. I finally decided to donate it after my mother died in August.
資料性質 被爆資料


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