


識別コード 3502-0047
資料名 懐中時計
資料名(英語) Pocket watch
寄贈者(カナ) 廣中 正樹(ヒロナカ マサキ)
寄贈者(英語) HIRONAKA Masaki
受入年月日 2016/8/2
寸法(幅×高さ×奥行)(mm) 38×50×5
寸法(その他) (チェーン370)
数量 1
内容 廣中一さん(当時37歳)は、勤務先の広島鉄道局文書課に向かう途中、市内電車の中で被爆した。通勤時間から考えると、恐らく紙屋町付近を走っていた時のことだったと考えられ、頭部をやけどし、背中にガラス片が突き刺さった一さんは意識を失った。やがて意識を取り戻した一さんは、やけどの激しい痛みのため近くの川に身を浸した。その後、どうにか己斐国民学校へ逃れ、自力で己斐町の自宅へ帰り着いた。妻の二三枝さん(当時30歳)と息子の正樹さん(当時5歳)は、夜7時頃、一さんが己斐国民学校にいる、と聞いて学校へ向かったが行き違いで会えず、8時頃帰宅すると、一さんが家にたどり着いて薄暗い台所に腰かけていて大変驚いた。一さんは自宅2階に寝かされ、看病を受けたが、翌7日午後4時過ぎに亡くなった。
展示説明文 懐中時計と枕
寄贈/廣中正樹(ヒロナカ マサキ)氏
寄贈者の父・廣中一(ヒロナカ ハジメ)さん(当時37歳)は、通勤中に、電車の中で被爆しました。熱線でやけどを負い、爆風で割れた電車の窓ガラスが背中に何か所も突き刺さりました。あまりの痛みに川に身を浸し、必死で家に帰りつきました。妻・二三枝(フミエ)さん(当時30歳)の懸命の看護を受けましたが、翌7日、午後四時過ぎに妻と四人の子どもを残し、亡くなりました。
展示説明文(英語) Pocket watch and pillow
Donor: Masaki Hironaka
Mr. Hajime Hironaka (37 years old at the time), the donor's father, was atomic bombed in a train on his way to work. He was burned by the heat rays, and shards of window glasses of the train shattered by the blast were stuck in many places on his back. He dipped his body in the river to alleviate his extreme pain, and struggled to go home. His wife Fumie (30 years old at the time) tried her best to nurse him, but he passed away on the following day on the 7th at a few minutes past 4 pm, leaving behind his wife and four children.
<Excerpt from Masaki (5 years old at the time), the first son’s testimony>
When I came home around 8:30 (from searching for Hajime), my father was sitting in the dark kitchen. He was very weak. With candlelight, I found that he was burned from his head to his back, and his pants were in tatters.
The next day my mother was by his side with cold towels, but my father was suffering very much. My mother, holding back tears, called me many times saying, “Come over here, Masaki. Your father is suffering, and he may stop breathing any minute,” but I couldn't bring myself to go. I just kept sobbing under the eaves.
When my mother said, “Your father passed away,” I cried even louder.
My father was 37 years old. When I went to his side, he looked no longer painful, he looked peaceful as usual.
During the war, the A-bomb killed tens of thousands of people in an instant. My father was one of them. To our country, my father was just one of tens of thousands, but to my family and me, he was everything.
I ask for you all to not allow another war to ever occur. Please do not allow nuclear weapons to be made, to be used by anyone. Please learn how precious peace and life are. Treasure your life. And please communicate with people from all over the world, and create a peaceful society.
資料性質 被爆資料


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