


識別コード 3502-0046
資料名 懐中時計
資料名(英語) Pocket Watch
寄贈者(カナ) 亀本 博子(カメモト ヒロコ)
寄贈者(英語) KAMEMOTO Hiroko
受入年月日 2015/12/20
寸法(幅×高さ×奥行)(mm) 45×50×7
被爆地(旧町名) 基町
被爆地(現町名) 基町
爆心地からの距離(m) 500
数量 1
内容 寄贈者の父・福永武夫(ふくながたけお)さん(当時33歳)の遺品。戦闘で負傷し、右目が義眼になった武夫さんは、広島に戻り、広島第一陸軍病院に勤務していた。8月6日の朝、武夫さんは、娘・博子さん(当時5歳)と息子・義憲さん(当時4歳)に、「お母さんの言うことを聞いて、早く大きくなれよ。」と声をかけて出かけ、そのまま行方不明となった。妻・キミヨさん(当時31歳)は、翌日から、捜索のため、病院の焼け跡に通い続けた。1週間後、武夫さんの義眼と、ポケットに入れていた懐中時計を見つけ、そこで武夫さんが亡くなったと確認。次の日、子どもたちと親族を連れ、骨を拾った。
ブロック別 基町・白島地区
展示説明文 懐中時計
爆心地から約500m 基町

展示説明文(英語) Pocket Watch
Donated by Hiroko Kamemoto
Approx. 500m from the hypocenter Moto-machi
This is an item left by Mr. Takeo Fukunaga (then, 33). Injured in a battle, Takeo lost the sight of his right eye. After returning to Hiroshima, he worked at the Hiroshima First Army Hospital. On the morning of August 6th, Takeo left home, telling his daughter Hiroko (then, 5) and his son Yoshinori (then, 4) to listen to their mother and grow up quickly. Then he went missing. From the following day, his wife Kimiyo (then, 31) continued to go to the remains of the burned out hospital to find him. One week later, she found Takeo’s artificial eye and the pocket watch which he used to carry. These items confirmed to her that Takeo had died there. On the following day, together with their children and relatives, she gathered his ashes.

Remarks by Ms. Hiroko Kamemoto, Daughter of Takeo
My mother was so busy taking care of my younger brother that she often could not look after me. So in her place, my father would carry me on his back and stroll around our neighborhood so that I could sleep. Returning home, he took me off his back, but I soon woke up and said to him “One more time!” Exclaiming “Oh my!” he was kind enough to carry me on his back and stroll around our neighborhood once again. After the end of the war, my mother brought us up alone. On August 6th every year, she visited the Cenotaph for the A-bomb Victims early in the morning with a bouquet of flowers. Until she died, she preserved this pocket watch with considerable care as a memento of my father.
資料性質 被爆資料


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