


識別コード 3502-0045
資料名 懐中時計
資料名(英語) Pocket Watch
寄贈者(カナ) 木原 和行(キハラ カズユキ)
寄贈者(英語) Kazuyuki Kihara
受入年月日 2015/10/20
寸法(幅×高さ×奥行)(mm) 42×50×10
被爆地(旧町名) 上流川町
被爆地(現町名) 胡町
爆心地からの距離(m) 870
数量 1
内容 木原佳太郎さん(当時58歳)は上流川町の中国新聞社の7階にあった同和火災株式会社に勤務中に被爆した。壁を背にしていたためやけどは免れたが、爆風で床にたたきつけられ、気を失った。気づくと事務所内は燃えており、左の鎖骨が折れ、左目を失明する大けがを負っていたが、自力で屋外に避難した。栄橋まで逃れたところで動けなくなり、一夜を明かした。翌日、東練兵場へ運ばれ、横たわっていたところを知人に発見され、妻のサカヘさんへ消息を知らせてくれた。8月11日、迎えにきたサカヘさんらとともに佳太郎さんは実家のある黒瀬町に戻り、家族は再会を喜び合った。
ブロック別 銀山・幟地区
展示説明文 懐中時計
爆心地から約870m 上流川町(現在の胡町)
展示説明文(英語) Pocket Watch
Donated by Kazuyuki Kihara
Approx. 870m form the hypocenter Kami-nagare-cho (now, Ebisu-cho)
Mr. Yoshitaro Kihara (then, 58) was exposed to the A-bombing while at his workplace at Dowa Fire Co., Ltd. Since his back was against the wall at the time of the bombing, he avoided getting burned. However, thrown down against the floor by the bomb blast, he lost consciousness. When he regained consciousness, he found that his office was burning. He escaped on his own with serious injuries, including a fractured left collarbone and the loss of sight in his left eye. When he reached the foot of the Sakae Bridge, he could no longer move and spent the night there. On the following day, a rescue unit carried him to the Eastern Drill Ground, where he was rescued by his acquaintances. His whereabouts were reported to his wife Sakae, who had been evacuated to Kurose-cho. On August 11th, came to pick him up and headed to Kurose-cho, where his family was delighted to be reunited with him.
資料性質 被爆資料


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