


識別コード 3401-0038
資料名(英語) Bag
寄贈者(カナ) 砂川 三郎(スナカワ サブロウ)
寄贈者(英語) SUNAKAWA Saburo
受入年月日 2016/6/2
寸法(幅×高さ×奥行)(mm) 330×270
数量 1
内容 暁第一六七一〇部隊の砂川三郎さん(当時22歳)は、比治山下の兵舎で被爆した。二階にあった部屋に戻るため階段を上りきった瞬間、目のくらむような閃光が走り、熱風が押しよせ、大爆発音がした。
展示説明文 かばん・飯盒・ゲートル
寄贈/砂川三郎(スナカワ サブロウ)氏
砂川三郎(スナカワ サブロウ)さん(当時22歳)が戦時中に使用していたもの。暁部隊に所属していた砂川三郎さんは、比治山下の兵舎で被爆、建物の下敷きになりました。隊には、負傷者が押し寄せましたが、油を塗り、包帯をするだけで精一杯でした。その日の夜、救援活動を終え、兵舎に戻った砂川さんは、そのまま高熱で倒れ、7日7晩うなされつづけました。砂川さんを看病してくれた友人を含め、隊では、数十名が、髪の毛が抜け、血を吐き、亡くなりました。
展示説明文(英語) Bag, mess kit, puttees
Donor: Saburo Sunakawa
They were used by Mr. Saburo Sunakawa (22 years old at the time) during the war. At the time of the atomic bombing, Mr. Saburo Sunakawa, who was with Akatsuki Corps, was at the barracks at the foot of Hijiyama Hill, and trapped under the collapsed building. The Corps was flooded with injured people, but all they could do was apply oil and bandages. That evening, as soon as Mr. Sunakawa returned to the barracks after the rescue activities, he ran a high fever, and it didn't go down for seven days and seven nights. Dozens of men at the Corps, including friends who nursed Mr. Sunakawa, lost their hair, threw up blood, and passed away.
Although he suffered from illnesses, Mr. Sunakawa survived, and wrote the following about that day.
“When we were able to take a breath, bizarre-looking people came one after another. They lined up to seek help from us soldiers. Their clothes were burned off in an instant, their hands and legs were swollen with the purple blisters that eventually broke open. They raised their arms halfway, where their peeled skin hung like rags, looking like ghosts. And I saw people running out of strength, falling on top of each other, while groaning and suffering. Female students were crying with their heads almost completely bald because their hair had been burned off. All the injured people were in such misery. For heaven’s sake! Is there anything more cruel that man can do against man?”
資料性質 戦中資料


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