


識別コード 3299-0001
資料名 礼装用帽子の羽
寄贈者(カナ) 友田 澄子(トモダ スミコ)
寄贈者(英語) Sumiko Tomoda
受入年月日 104920
寸法(幅×高さ×奥行)(mm) 160×350×160
数量 1
内容 被爆当日の朝、陸軍船舶司令部の軍人だった友田寅吉さん(当時55歳)は、いつもどおりに出勤した。どこで被爆したのか定かでないが、6日の夜には家族で集まることに決めていた牛田の家に帰ってきた。5人家族の内、市立中学校1年生だった二男の貞成さん(当時12歳)が帰らず、あちこち必死に捜したが全く手掛かりを得ることは出来ず、未だに行方不明のままである。8月27日には長男の宏英さん(当時16歳)も亡くなった。寝たきりになっていた寅吉さんも、10月28日に亡くなった。寅吉さんの長女の澄子さん(当時18歳)らは、自らの手で遺体を荼毘に付した。これは、寅吉さんの礼装用帽子の羽。
展示説明文 礼装用帽子の羽
寄贈/友田澄子[トモダ スミコ]

展示説明文(英語) Feather from a dress uniform cap
Donated by Sumiko Tomoda
Torakichi Tomoda (then, 55), the donor’s father, experienced the bombing after arriving at the Army Marine Headquarters where he worked. In the evening, he returned to the cabin on Mt. Ushita where the family had decided to meet. His oldest son, Koei (then, 16), died on August 27. His second son, Sadanaru (then, 12), who was a first-year student at Municipal Junior High School was never found. Torakichi continued to look for Sadanaru, but became bedridden and died on October 28. This was the feather from Torakichi’s dress uniform cap.

From the diary of Sumiko Tomoda (summary):
Sadanaru had just entered junior high school when he was mobilized for building demolition and was sent to work near Dohashi where I heard he was exposed to the atomic bombing. He never came home. Mom and dad split up and looked everywhere for him but were unable to find any trace of him, and he still remains missing.
My oldest brother went to my mother’s familial home in Tottori by himself to be treated for his wounds. However, he returned to Hiroshima about two days before he died. He probably preferred to be with our parents. After he returned, he stayed in bed the next day, his hair fell out, and I think he had a fever around 40°C. He drank two kettles of water and died the next day on August 27.
After that, my father became bedridden, and he died as well on October 28. We cremated the remains of my father and oldest brother on Mt. Ushita. It was very sad. I think a peaceful world is best. I think everyone in the world is hoping for that.
資料性質 被爆関連資料


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