


識別コード 3109-0022
資料名 学徒隊章
資料名(英語) Student corps badge
寄贈者(カナ) 松野(旧姓 木村) 妙子(マツノ タエコ )
寄贈者(英語) Taeko Matsuno
受入年月日 2010/11/14
寸法(幅×高さ×奥行)(mm) 80×60
数量 1
内容 県立広島第一高等女学校1年生の木村幹代さん(当時13歳)は、動員学徒として建物疎開作業中に土橋で被爆。全身に大やけどを負いながらも必死に逃れた。途中、モンペの腰の部分に火がついているのに気付き、川へ飛び込んだ幹代さんは、しばらくして川から上がったところで動けなくなった。しかし、ここで死んでしまっては着衣も焼けて裸の自分は誰だか分からなくなってしまう、そんなことは嫌だと必死に己斐国民学校へ逃れた。そこで姉の友人を見つけた幹代さんは、自宅へ所在を知らせて欲しいと頼んだ。それを受けた家族が現地へ向かい、幹代さんを自宅へ連れ帰った。幹代さんは自宅へ帰ることが出来たのが何より嬉しいらしく、全身大やけどの身ながら被爆時の様子をつぶさに話したが、翌7日の7時40分頃、体を半分起こして東の方を向いて手を合わせ、そのまま何も言わずに亡くなった。これは、被爆前日、服などをすべて洗濯した幹代さんが服から外していたもの。
展示説明文 妹の学徒隊章
寄贈/松野 妙子氏(まつの たえこ)
県立広島第一高等女学校1年生だった寄贈者の妹・木村幹代(きむら みきよ)さん(当時13歳)は、学徒動員先である土橋(どはし)の建物疎開作業現場(爆心地から800m)で被爆しました。全身に大やけどを負いながらも、力を振りしぼって己斐国民学校まで逃れました。ここで偶然、姉・妙子さんの友人を見つけた幹代さんは、自宅への伝言を頼み、迎えに来た父親の一美(かずみ)さんと自宅へ帰ることができました。しかし、家族のけん命な看病の甲斐もなく、翌7日に息を引き取りました。この学徒隊章は、自宅にあったものです。

展示説明文(英語) Younger sister's student corps badge
Donated by Taeko Matsuno
The donor's younger sister, Mikiyo Kimura (then, 13) was a first year student at First Hiroshima Prefectural Girls High School, and experienced the atomic bombing at her building demolition worksite in Dohashi (800m from the hypocenter). Although she had serious burns all over her body, she gathered her strength to flee to Koi Elementary School. It was there that Mikiyo happened to find a friend of her older sister Taeko, whom she asked to give a message to her family at home. Her father Kazumi came to pick her up and she was able to return home. However, despite the family's earnest efforts to nurse her, she passed away the following day on the 7th. This student corps badge was at her home.

Comment from older sister Taeko:
When my father brought my younger sister home, I heard her loud voice shout out happily “I’m home!” Thinking that her voice sounded a little muffled, I went to see her, and found that her whole body was burned black, and her hair was rough like the strings of fiber in corn. The nurse tried to give her an injection, but her body was so badly burned that there was nowhere to inject the needle. It seems that more than anything, my sister was happy to be home, and even while telling us that “when I lie on my back it hurts, when I lie face down it hurts – it hurts no matter which way I face,” she never cried, and did not complain about the pain. On the morning of the 7th, she was trying to sit up. We told her that it would be best not to sit up, and that she should stay lying down, but she insisted, and sitting up she faced east, put her hands together, and died just like that without saying a word.
資料性質 被爆関連資料


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