


識別コード 3101-0050
資料名 学生のシャツ
寄贈者(カナ) 峯本 哲一(ミネモト テツイチ)
寄贈者(英語) Tetsuichi Minemoto
寸法(幅×高さ×奥行)(mm) 580×670
被爆地(旧町名) 中島新町
被爆地(現町名) 中島町
爆心地からの距離(m) 600
数量 1
内容 県立広島第二中学校1年生の峯本等さん(当時12歳)は、学徒動員先の建物疎開作業現場で被爆した。上半身に大火傷を負いながらも広瀬町まで逃げ、倒れた。近所の人の知らせで駆けつけた父哲一さんや姉信子さんらが名前を叫びながら懸命に捜し、6日の夕方やっと等さんを発見した。医者の家を回ったが、どこも怪我人で一杯で治療を受けられず、自宅に連れ帰った。母キクミさんらがむけて垂れ下がった皮膚をハサミで切り、油を塗るのが精一杯だった。等さんは苦しみながら、火傷で開かない目をこじあけて弁当箱を捜したこと、皆で死を覚悟して川の中で歌を歌ったことなどを夜中語り、7日早朝「もう寝るよ。」と言ってそのまま息を引き取った。
ブロック別 吉島・舟入・観音地区
展示説明文(英語) Hitoshi Minemoto (then 12) was a first year student at Second Hiroshima Prefectural Junior High School. He was exposed to the A-bomb while demolishing buildings in Nakajima-shin-machi. Hitoshi sustained serious burns above the waist and collapsed on his way home. A neighbor found him there. When his father, Tetsuichi, learned the news, he went for him with Hitoshi's older sister Nobuko and three others. They searched through the smoldering hot city and finally found him toward evening near Yokogawa Bridge. Hiroshi's burned face was so swollen even his family failed to recognize him at first.
All the relief stations were full, and they were unable to get a doctor to look at him, so Tetsuichi took Hitoshi home. His mother Kikumi cut away the peeling hanging skin with scissors and painted his burns with oil. He told his family about his A-bomb experience all night long, intermittently crying out, "It hurts! How it hurts!" At about 5:00 a.m. on the 7th, Hitoshi told Kikumi, "I'm going to sleep," and breathed his last.
資料性質 被爆資料


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