


識別コード 2101-0865
資料名 銘々皿
資料名(英語) Small plate
寄贈者(カナ) 友田 澄子(トモダ スミコ)
寄贈者(英語) Sumiko Tomoda
受入年月日 2010/05/19
寸法(その他) 125φ×15
被爆地(旧町名) 白島中町
被爆地(現町名) 白島中町
爆心地からの距離(m) 1850
数量 1
内容 友田澄子さん(当時18歳)は、勤務先の第五師団司令部で被爆。爆風で吹き飛ばされ、顔の右側や手足にはガラスが突き刺さった。白島中町にあった自宅は全壊全焼。自宅で被爆した母親のひでさん(当時51歳)は、とっさに自宅の防空壕に避難したため幸い大きなケガはなかったが、一家5人のうち父親の寅吉さん(当時55歳)は10月28日、弟の宏英さん(当時16歳)は8月27日に亡くなった。もう一人の弟の貞成さん(当時12歳)は市立中学校1年生で、動員学徒として建物疎開作業中に被爆。両親が必死に捜したが、どうしても行方は分からなかった。この皿は、自宅の防空壕に入れていたもの。高熱に焼かれ、釉薬が溶けてブツブツに泡立っている。
ブロック別 基町・白島地区
展示説明文 家族で使っていた小皿
寄贈/友田 澄子氏(ともだ すみこ)
爆心地から1,850m 白島中町(はくしまなかまち)

展示説明文(英語) Small plates used by family
Donated by Sumiko Tomoda
1,850m from the hypocenter Hakushima-naka-machi
The donor, Sumiko Tomoda (then, 18), experienced the bombing at the Fifth Division headquarters located in Moto-machi (750m from the hypocenter). She was blown away by the blast and trapped under the collapsed building. When she managed to crawl out, she had shards of glass stuck in her face and hands and feet and was covered in blood, but fled from the scene barefoot. Her home in Hakushima was completely razed. Her mother Hide (then, 51), who was at home, evacuated immediately to an air raid shelter and survived, but of the five family members, her father Torakichi (then, 55) and her younger brother Koei (then, 16) lost their lives. Her other younger brother Sadanaru (then, 12) had been mobilized as a student to perform building demolition work, and was never found. These plates were in one of the three air raid shelters at the family home. They were burned by the high heat, melting the glaze and creating bubbles in the plates' surface.

Memoir from Sumiko Tomoda (summary):
My younger brother Sadanaru, who had just started at junior high school, had been mobilized to perform building demolition work, and it seems that he was working in the Dohashi area when the bomb hit. He never came home. My father and mother each searched different areas high and low for him, but they could not find any clue, and he has never been found.
My other younger brother, who was older than him, went alone to my mother’s family home in Tottori for treatment. He came back to Hiroshima about two days before he died. I suppose he wanted to be with his parents. The day after he came back, he went to sleep. His hair had fallen out and I think he had a fever of about 40 degrees. He drank two kettles of water, and passed away on the morning of the next day, August 27.
After that my father was also bedridden. He passed away on October 28.
The remains of my father and my brother were cremated at a mountain in Ushita. It was so sad.
The best thing is to have a peaceful world. I think that is what the people of the world are hoping for.
資料性質 被爆資料


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