
Top PageSurvivor TestimoniesLocation "Yoshijima, Funairi, Kan-on areas"

Survivor Testimonies

91 result(s) for Location "Yoshijima, Funairi, Kan-on areas"

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Number of Results

No Name Sex Distance from the Hypocenter Age at the Time Occupation at the Time Subtitles ID Code Release Date
41 SUNAMOTO Toshimitsu Male 2200m 14 Student, 2nd-year junior high school student VS00677 2000/03/31
42 HATAKEYAMA Keiji Male 2100m 14 Student JPN, ENG VS00227 1990/08/01
43 MURAYAMA Emiko Female 2000m 22 JPN, ENG VS01079 2019/02/28
44 SATOMI Shizuko Female 2000m 18 JPN, ENG VS01063 2017/02/28
45 KONDO Hitoshi Male 2000m 14 2nd grade at Hiroshima Municipal Shipbuilding Industory School JPN, ENG VS01047 2016/03/31
46 KUGA Tsuneko Female 2000m 15 4rd grade at Hiroshima Women's Higher School of Education JPN, ENG VS01046 2016/03/31
47 SEGOSHI Mutsuhiko Male 2000m 11 5th year student in National Elementary School JPN, ENG VS01031 2015/03/31
48 MAKI Junji Male 2000m 14 Student VS00843 2005/03/31
49 HORI Ichisau Male 2000m 15 VS00836 2004/03/31
50 HIRANO Sadao Male 2000m 12 Student VS00718 2001/03/31
51 KOMADA Tamotsu Male 2000m 16 Student VS00674 2000/03/31
52 MOROHASHI Unji Male 2000m 30 VS00648 1999/03/31
53 JOHYA Junso Male 2000m 13 VS00523 1996/09/30
54 SUEISHI Kazu Female 2000m 18 VS00404 1994/08/01
55 UESUGI Ayako Female 2000m 45 VS00304 1992/08/01
56 UEDA Noriko Female 2000m 13 VS00234 1990/08/01
57 KAWAMURA Atsuko Female 2000m 15 VS00232 1990/08/01
58 ARISAKI Shoji Male 2000m 15 VS00209 1990/08/01
59 SASAMURA Hiroshi Male 2000m 36 JPN, ENG VS00030 1986/08/01
60 Pak namju Female 1800m 12 VS00941 2009/03/31



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