
Top PageSurvivor TestimoniesLocation "Misasa, Gion areas"

Survivor Testimonies

50 result(s) for Location "Misasa, Gion areas"

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Number of Results

No Name Sex Distance from the Hypocenter Age at the Time Occupation at the Time Subtitles ID Code Release Date
1 SAHARA Misato Female 1300m 19 VS00922 2009/03/31
2 HATATANI Yoshie Female 1300m 7 Second-year elementary school student JPN, ENG VS01018 2014/02/28
3 UEDA Shizuto Male 1500m 28 VS00021 1986/08/01
4 HAMADA Yoshiko Female 1500m 33 JPN, ENG VS00022 1986/08/01
5 TSUBOTA Sachio Male 1500m 15 VS00270 1991/08/01
6 NAGAHAMA Hantoku Male 1500m 22 VS00494 1995/08/01
7 MORII Naotaka Male 1500m 16 Student VS00495 1995/08/01
8 MATSUDA Fumiko Female 1500m 23 Housewife VS00668 2000/03/31
9 SAGAWA Yasuko Female 1500m 14 VS00749 2001/03/31
10 ITOGA Shinobu Male 1500m 4 JPN, ENG VS01058 2017/02/28
11 YAMAMOTO Shigeru Male 1600m 16 Student JPN, ENG VS00327 1992/08/01
12 SAKURAI Kenso Male 1600m 14 Student, 3rd year student at Sotoku Junior High School VS00810 2003/03/31
13 OKADA Hisae Female 1600m 16 VS00886 2007/03/31
14 UEKI Sumiko Female 1600m 17 Fifth-year student of a girl's school JPN, ENG VS01014 2014/02/28
15 OTA Junko Female 1600m 14 Third-year student of a girl's school JPN, ENG VS01015 2014/02/28
16 TONDA Minoru Male 1700m 25 VS00170 1989/08/01
17 KUJUBU Katsusou Male 1700m 15 VS00365 1993/08/01
18 KIMURA Hirohiko Male 1700m 14 VS00611 1999/03/31
19 TOMOHIRO Mitsuko Female 1800m 4 VS00875 2006/03/31
20 SHIMAKAWA Gohachi Male 2000m 42 VS00074 1987/08/01


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