
Top PageSurvivor TestimoniesLocation "Kokutaiji, Senda areas"

Survivor Testimonies

92 result(s) for Location "Kokutaiji, Senda areas"

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Number of Results

No Name Sex Distance from the Hypocenter Age at the Time Occupation at the Time Subtitles ID Code Release Date
81 HASHIMOTO Tsuyoshi Male 2000m 16 Student VS00730 2001/03/31
82 OHTANI Kunitaka Male 2000m 16 Student VS00736 2001/03/31
83 SHIGEZUMI Sumiko Male 2000m 17 Student VS00743 2001/03/31
84 YAMADA Motoshi Male 1000m 17 Student VS00782 2002/03/29
85 NISHITANI Etsuko Female 1500m 16 Student VS00795 2002/03/29
86 SADAHIRO Fumihiko Male 1300m 13 Student VS00842 2005/03/31
87 OKADA Ituse Female 2200m 15 Student JPN, ENG VS01027 2015/03/31
88 MIYAGAWA Shuso Male 1500m 14 Student JPN, ENG VS01032 2015/03/31
89 Seigo Nishioka Male 2000m 13 Student JPN, ENG VS01059 2017/02/28
90 SUGITA Kiyoharu Male 2000m 17 Student, 1st-year student at Hiroshima Technical School VS00823 2004/03/31
91 MASUDA Tsutomu Male 1600m 29 Teacher JPN, ENG VS00067 1987/08/01
92 KOUCHI Mitsuko Female 1500m 13 second-year student of a girls' school VS00972 2011/03/31


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