
Top PageSurvivor TestimoniesLocation "Kokutaiji, Senda areas"

Survivor Testimonies

92 result(s) for Location "Kokutaiji, Senda areas"

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Number of Results

No Name Sex Distance from the Hypocenter Age at the Time Occupation at the Time Subtitles ID Code Release Date
61 IKESHOJI (Kubo) Tomiko Female 1500m 17 Nurse JPN, ENG VS00303 1992/08/01
62 TORINO Kazuko Female 1500m 17 Nurse VS00483 1995/08/01
63 SEO Haruto Male 1000m 17 Public servant VS00787 2002/03/29
64 SHINODA Saburo Male 1800m 22 Public servant JPN, ENG VS01023 2015/03/31
65 MIKAMI Yosaku Male 1900m 33 Public servant, Firefighter JPN, ENG VS00028 1986/08/01
66 SONODA Shima Female 1000m 36 Self-employed VS00502 1996/09/30
67 KAWAMOTO Yoshitaka Male 800m 13 Student JPN, ENG VS00005 1986/08/01
68 KURAMOTO Atsushi Male 1500m 13 Student VS00186 1989/08/01
69 IWAMOTO Setsuko Female 1400m 13 Student JPN, ENG VS00273 1991/08/01
70 MORIMOTO Norio Male 1100m 17 Student JPN, ENG VS00281 1991/08/01
71 NAKAYAMA Shiro Male 1500m 14 Student VS00407 1994/08/01
72 YOKOTA Masaru Male 2500m 19 Student VS00469 1995/08/01
73 MISHIMA Michie Female 1500m 13 Student VS00472 1995/08/01
74 MORISHITA Hiromu Male 1500m 14 Student VS00534 1996/09/30
75 YANAGAWA Yoshiko Female 1500m 16 Student VS00581 1998/02/28
76 SAEKI Kazuyoshi Male 1000m 15 Student JPN, ENG VS00610 1999/03/31
77 TSUNEMATSU Tamiko Female 1100m 14 Student VS00709 2001/03/31
78 YORITA Kyo Male 1000m 13 Student VS00713 2001/03/31
79 SAKAMOTO Shinji Male 1500m 14 Student VS00714 2001/03/31
80 MATSUSHIMA Keijiro Male 2000m 16 Student ENG VS00727 2001/03/31



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