
Top PageSurvivor TestimoniesLocation "Koi, Kusatsu areas"

Survivor Testimonies

27 result(s) for Location "Koi, Kusatsu areas"

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Number of Results

No Name Sex Distance from the Hypocenter Age at the Time Occupation at the Time Subtitles ID Code Release Date
21 TAKEOKA Chisako Female 3000m 17 JPN, ENG VS00337 1992/08/01
22 MORITOMI Shigeo Male 4100m 15 Student JPN, ENG VS00603 1999/03/31
23 NAGAYAMA Kimie Female 3000m 18 Second-year student of Hiroshima Jogakuin JPN, ENG VS01002 2013/03/31
24 NAKANO Hideko Female 3500m 11 Sixth-year elementary school student JPN, ENG VS01022 2014/02/28
25 HIRONAKA Masaki Male 3500m 5 JPN, ENG VS01086 2019/02/28
26 Oda Teruko Female 19 JPN, ENG VS01096 2019/09/14
27 SATO Tsuneo Male 2500m 12 JPN, ENG VS01110 2022/09/07


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