
Top PageSurvivor TestimoniesName "F~J"

Survivor Testimonies

99 result(s) for Name "F~J"

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Number of Results

No Name Sex Distance from the Hypocenter Age at the Time Occupation at the Time Subtitles ID Code Release Date
1 HIRONAKA Masaki Male 3500m 5 JPN, ENG VS01086 2019/02/28
2 FUTAGAWA Kazuhiko Male 3800m ENG VS01076 2018/02/28
3 ITOGA Shinobu Male 1500m 4 JPN, ENG VS01058 2017/02/28
4 HOTTA Hajime Male 9 3rd year student in National Elementary School JPN, ENG VS01034 2015/03/31
5 HARADA Keiji Male 15 Fourth-year student of a commercial school JPN, ENG VS01005 2013/03/31
6 HARA Masanobu Male 2700m 13 Second-year junior high school student JPN, ENG VS01004 2013/03/31
7 IIDA Satoru Male 2500m 7 Elementary school student JPN, ENG VS00996 2012/03/31
8 HIRANO Takanobu Male 9 Elementary school student JPN, ENG VS00994 2012/03/31
9 HIRAI Yuzuru Male 13 VS00990 2012/03/31
10 FUJIOKA Hisayuki Male 2000m 12 Student, First-year junior high school student VS00980 2011/03/31
11 FUJII Fumio Male 4100m 17 VS00978 2011/03/31
12 ITO Yoshiyuki Male 19 VS00970 2011/03/31
13 IZUMI Kanji Male 2500m 5 VS00964 2011/03/31
14 HIRAI Shozo Male 16 VS00918 2008/03/31
15 FUKUSHIMA Kazuo Male 3000m 13 VS00910 2008/03/31
16 FUJITA Mitsunori Male 1800m 12 VS00906 2008/03/31
17 FUJII Kiyoshi Male 16 Student VS00865 2006/03/31
18 HORI Ichisau Male 2000m 15 VS00836 2004/03/31
19 IWATA Seizo Male 3000m 15 VS00809 2003/03/31
20 HASHIMOTO Kunihiko Male 2500m 13 VS00799 2002/03/29


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