
Top PageSurvivor TestimoniesName "F~J"

Survivor Testimonies

99 result(s) for Name "F~J"

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Number of Results

No Name Sex Distance from the Hypocenter Age at the Time Occupation at the Time Subtitles ID Code Release Date
61 HASAI Hiromi Male 14 Student JPN, ENG VS00371 1993/08/01
62 ITO Kaoru Male 31 Company employee JPN, ENG VS00381 1993/08/01
63 HAMADA Tadao Male 800m 17 Student JPN, ENG VS00399 1993/08/01
64 HIRAOKA Takashi Male 2000m 24 VS00406 1994/08/01
65 Hiroshi Hara Male 13 Student VS00431 1994/08/01
66 FUKUNAGA Kazue Male 3500m 15 VS00435 1994/08/01
67 FUJIKAWA Hiroshi Male 16 VS00496 1995/08/01
68 JOHYA Junso Male 2000m 13 VS00523 1996/09/30
69 INOUE Kunisou Male 3000m 15 Student VS00532 1996/09/30
70 IWATA Morio Male 2500m 11 Student VS00597 1998/02/28
71 FUJITA Tetsuo Male 25 Soldier VS00650 1999/03/31
72 HIRANO Sadao Male 2000m 12 Student VS00718 2001/03/31
73 HASHIMOTO Tsuyoshi Male 2000m 16 Student VS00730 2001/03/31
74 IIMURA Takashi Male 1700m 16 VS00733 2001/03/31
75 HOSOKAWA Koji Male 1000m 17 Public servant VS00745 2001/03/31
76 HANTANI Tadao Male 4500m 16 VS00754 2002/03/29
77 ISHIDA Akira Male 13 Student, 2nd year junior high school student VS00770 2002/03/29
78 IMAGAWA Toshiharu Male 2000m 21 VS00775 2002/03/29
79 FUKINBARA Nobuo Male 1500m 16 VS00779 2002/03/29
80 HASHIMOTO Kunihiko Male 2500m 13 VS00799 2002/03/29



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