
Top PageSurvivor TestimoniesName "F~J"

Survivor Testimonies

99 result(s) for Name "F~J"

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Number of Results

No Name Sex Distance from the Hypocenter Age at the Time Occupation at the Time Subtitles ID Code Release Date
21 HASEGAWA Chieko Female 33 VS00480 1995/08/01
22 HIGA Sachiko Female 1500m 13 Student VS00493 1995/08/01
23 HIRAMATSU Tsuyako Female 1700m 19 Housewife VS00515 1996/09/30
24 FURUTA Misao Female 1300m 37 VS00549 1996/09/30
25 ISE Chieko Female 32 VS00623 1999/03/31
26 ICHIHARA Reiko Female 10 VS00693 2000/03/31
27 HADA Reiko Female 4000m 20 VS00710 2001/03/31
28 HIROMOTO Harue Female 3000m 12 Student VS00719 2001/03/31
29 FUJIOKA Michiko Female 3000m 14 Student, 3rd-year student at First Hiroshima Prefectural Girls' High School VS00762 2002/03/29
30 HIRAI Chizuko Female 2300m 9 Student, 4th-grade student at National School VS00783 2002/03/29
31 FUKUHARA Yoshiko Female 1100m 20 VS00811 2003/03/31
32 FUKUHARA Yoko Female 1500m 17 Civil Servant VS00814 2003/03/31
33 HAMAMURA Michiko Female 1800m 5 VS00847 2005/03/31
34 FUJIMORI Chiyoko Female 3000m 6 VS00947 2010/03/31
35 ISHIZAKI Sachiko Female 3500m 13 VS00959 2010/03/31
36 HIRAI Kuniko Female 2300m 9 VS00961 2010/03/31
37 FUJIE Kyoko Female 9 Elementary school student VS00993 2012/03/31
38 HADA Sueko Female 800m 8 Third-year elementary school student JPN, ENG VS01009 2013/03/31
39 HATATANI Yoshie Female 1300m 7 Second-year elementary school student JPN, ENG VS01018 2014/02/28
40 HIDAKA Atsuko Female 3500m 9 4th year student in National Elementary School JPN, ENG VS01024 2015/03/31



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